A tale about my sons

A tale about my sons...
A to drzeworyt. Dla mnie bezcenny. Sprzed 10 lat.
Zatrzymałam na nim czas. Moich synów, lat 5 i 9.
Ich kolorowe podkolanka i powtarzającą się "bitwę na stopy" podczas posiłków, pełną śmiechów i chichów pod naszym małym kuchennym stołem, nad którym wisiała słomiana ikeowa lampa.

A tale about my sons ...
And here is the woodcut. Priceless to me. From 10 years ago.
I captured time in it. My sons, then 5 and 9 years old.
Their colorful knee socks and the repeated "foot battles" during meals, filled with laughter and giggles under our small kitchen table, over which hung a straw Ikea lamp.

Because as children my sons loved 'The Hobbit' I will play 'The Misty Mountains Song'. They loved it so much they could sing it by heart. And I loved it too. The Hobbit and the song.
Please, please stay tuned!
Hope I will see you on the next page.